Maritime projects

In maritime mechanics, space is often at a premium. How do you develop an efficient, well-functioning installation that occupies minimal space? One that will literally keep sailing along without breaking down?

Bij zeiljachten speelt tevens het gewicht een rol. Optimale snelheid uit de wind halen is immers essentieel. Met deze uitgangspunten in het achterhoofd ontwikkelen wij innovatieve oplossingen voor de maritieme sector.

Bespoke luxury gadgets

The advantages of V-Technology

resistant to wave impact and vibrations

compliant with fire retardation regulations

additional safety features

ease of use

high-end design and quality

stable and durable solutions

More seaworthy projects


We are more than happy to provide maintenance for ‘our’ installations. Regular maintenance is an easy way to reduce the risk of problems occurring It also greatly reduces the risk of equipment failure. Should a fault arise, we are always focused on providing excellent service and a prompt response. Just as it should be!

Offshore certification

We are certified to work on offshore platforms:

Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (OPITO)

Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Response Training (NOGEPA 0.5A)

including HUET plus Emergency Breathing System

Our certification includes the ‘Norwegian Oil and Gas accepted upgrade to the Norwegian Continental Shelf’.

Would you like to know more?

call or email us to learn more about the rotating floor.

